| So if you want to… You got the green light |

A new year, a new quest for employment should be underway.

I have been here before. A brand new year, freshly laid off and contemplating what I’m going to have to do with myself and how long it will take me to get a new job.

I thought it was going to be different this time. When I was told that I was getting laid off, I was in chill mode. 2023 ended with a great big whimper, instead of a big bang. Back in October, I had gotten injured and tore a quadriceps tendon in my leg. This was going to sideline me for a while, but should be good, provided that I was able to get surgery quickly. It took me a month to get the surgery (actually happened on my birthday, that was interesting). But the healing time was set for 6-8 weeks. This was bumping up against an annual time of vacation for me (around my birthday, I always try to take 2 weeks off). So I figured I could have surgery, get healed up during that time and then I would get back to work.

In true Friday fashion, I woke up one day into the second week of my time off to see that I was going to be laid off and that I would have an hour to get any goodbyes in and get information that I might have wanted off my computer, before it was rendered useless by the IT department.

In previous lives, I would’ve been immediately freaked out! What does it mean to not have a job?! I always feel like my identity was wrapped up in the fact that I was employed and was out here in the Bay Area doing the living of life! This past year, I decided that since I had conquered any of my debt the previous year, that I would dedicate myself to saving and investing. This came in handy, as I was able to hit my savings goals and I had a 6 month (plus 1) emergency fund set up. So when I got the news, I wasn’t immediately worried. I figured this would be the break that I wanted to have taken. Immediately I thought I would set aside at least 5 months and whatever severance would allow me, to just chill out before I got deep into the grind of trying to find something.

Cut to today. I didn’t do anything today, but lay in bed and read (Actually, not true. I did go ahead and set up the beginnings of a career coaching period that should last until May). A friend of mine asked me what I do all day. They immediately followed up with the idea that I would have just learned something and read all day (surprisingly not too far off!). Then they asked if I was happy and the answer was NO! I had been feeling so lazy and useless. I have so many ideas and I’m doing nothing with myself. I didn’t want to get out of bed and start fussing with my computer for anything. They did mention that I should be easier on myself, since I am still technically just starting to walk without crutches (but still needing to start physical therapy).

This reminded me that I had somehow gotten back into a familiar cycle. I figured that I would be able to chill for 5-8 months and sharpen my skills/do some learning. Somewhere along the way, I thought it would be nice if I could step my game up, get some kind of job, and be able to pocket / invest my severance pay and not part with it. This was me masquerading the idea that I hate being unemployed and doing nothing, with my favorite motivating factor, money. The truth is that I should still be recovering and not even thinking about employment. I finally set myself up to be in a position where I wouldn’t have to immediately freak out if an emergency came along, and though I’m not worried, I’m still trying to push myself to be landing on my feet immediately with something.

I really haven’t learned very much.

I am really going to try to slow things down and instead of just picking up something because I want to say that I have a paycheck waiting for me, I want to do something that I want to do (more importantly, the way that I want to do it). It’s still early enough in the run that I can choose this and not have any problems. So that’s what I’m going to try to do. Just relax a little and keep some of this pressure over my head.

My way… My way or the highway.

Avoidant attachment style.

This is what my sister mentioned to me a week or so ago. Thought that I had an avoidant attachment style and that made me much different than her. Of course, not the first time I’d heard this, but of course, for some reason this pushed me to look harder at what this meant. Apparently, people who have avoidant attachment styles are walled up emotionally and have grown with the idea that they have to self persevere.

I’d have to agree. I was conditioned at a pretty young age to keep myself to myself. There were people around me who needed me more than I needed to be taken care of, so I had to focus on that. Also, throughout schooling, I realized that trusting people leads you to getting screwed by the same people. Essentially, this has definitely led me to subscribe to the idea that no one has interest in my best care and that I have to lean upon myself to get anything done in life. This is why I very rarely ask for help, it’s why I very rarely accept help when it is given to me. It is also a reason why I make so many one-sided friendships.

But, Justin (you ask) What do you mean by one-sided friendships (also, didn’t school teach you that you shouldn’t start sentences with words like But?)

First of all, this is my blog and I can use whatever language conventions I would like. You aren’t granting English degrees are you? Just relax and read on.

I’ve tried to be a little better about this in more recent years, but my friendship style in general, is to check in on folks and to try to be there for them. When it comes to trying to have that happen from their end to mine, I generally shun people trying to do a lot of prying. As a result of this, I have gotten the idea that this is where I am most useful to folk and that this is a reason that they will keep me around. Otherwise, they’ll see through the fact that I give up less than what they are willing to offer. I will kindly deflect when people want to know about how I am doing, and keep the focus on them. Which seems to be a double edged sword

I seem to have developed a very healthy aversion to hearing about people suffering, especially my friends. However, I am always of the mindset that you should help someone out if you can. If you ask for my opinion, I will give it to you (also, I have the joy of being regularly blunt, so not always very good at being gentle about things). The fun thing is that you never even realize how easily you can slip from listening mode to advising mode, even when you are not asked. If a pattern emerges, or some problem that a friend is going through resonates with you, you try to tell them about it. Lately, I have been hell bent on trying to protect people if they’re coming with problems, but I feel like my time is wasted when people hear something reasonable and choose to continue to suffer or give themselves to a state of grief. I know I am not anyone’s parent (frankly, I don’t have the patience to be, if I could).

So, recently, I’ve had two such interactions with good friends, where I have had to basically say that I can’t be in your presence, if you’re going to make certain decisions, because I just don’t want to hear about how you’re having a specific issue, if you’re not going to do anything about it. Which I guess continues in the trend of making me a terrible friend. It’s not about me in particular, being listened to, but more about the idea that I try to speak truth to people and it falls on deaf ears, I’m not sure if it’s because people aren’t in a place where they want to hear it, or if it just isn’t what needs to be said/heard. I am beginning to be sure that my place is to be quiet. People have their journeys and though I felt like truth is helpful along the way, a lot of times I need to respect that it is their journeys that don’t involve me.

A side consequence of my one-sidedness is that I feel like I am ready, at a moment’s notice, to separate myself from those who stress me or do not serve me any longer. As I type that, it sounds quite selfish. I guess all this time has turned me into a selfish person. There’s no reason to chase people or things that will end up screwing me over or letting me down. Currently, I am grappling with the idea of starting over, or just staying alone. I am sure that can make new friends in my older age, but would it be worth my time to just end up in a cycle again where I feel like I’d need to be willing to re-start. On the other hand, humans are communal beings, so being in community is the natural move and that seems correct. I have this idea that I might be destined to end up living a solitary life and chilling, especially if I don’t get my act together and give folk a chance.

What to do… What to do… Fight the avoidance, or avoid the fight?

| … it’s a war outside, bomb in the street gun in the hood, mob of police… |

This quote is so true.

Think about it.

White police officers are the only ones that are capable to have their “fear” of us, be something that allows them to murder in cold blood. The fact that we exist, scares them. Whenever they have to pull us over, we inspire fear and irrational action in them, because we’re here. Clearly, it’s why so many of them can lose all thought when interacting with us and escalate situations to murderous conditions. So many “mistakes” occur, because of a high level of tension/anxiety/fear. This is bad enough to have people forget which object they’re reaching for in the heat of the moment. It was supposed to be a taser. They yell the word taser, but of course, grab the lethal tool instead and get “shocked” into the gravity of their choice, once it’s too late to switch it up.

If I hear one more explanation comprised of: “They shouldn’t have been resisting, or they should just be still in their cars” I might just explode with equal parts of rage and confusion. I don’t know of any setting where someone would be even-tempered and chill when in the face of murderers, outside of horror movies. In the movies, the people always seem to make some silly mistake that throws them right in the path of the killer. Maybe they just made a bad choice, or they were too inquisitive to let things lie the way they should, but that’s not how things work in real life. If you’re approached with a gun out and pointed towards you, how would you expect someone to react? ESPECIALLY knowing what could (AND HAS REPEATEDLY) happened. Why would you expect anyone to act in self-preservation? We’re told that we shouldn’t resist, but get attacked and killed when we don’t, we’re attacked and killed when we do. It almost doesn’t even matter, until we consider the feelings of the white folks involved, or who can see these things happening. Any sane person would try to get out of that situation or at least hope that they have enough witnesses around that might keep something dumb from happening (yeah right).

I am beyond dumbfounded at the fact that one such murder case is being televised in (what I hear is) its entirety. At first, it was because such high-profile kinds of cases usually don’t allow cameras in the courtroom. I could, of course, be wrong about the outcome here, but what often happens is that there is some inconceivably adept defense mounted, then the officer gets let go because they were afraid, or confused. Seems rather gratuitous to then air this trial on television, right? I eventually pieced together the idea that because none of these are usually televised, this would be the chance of the criminal justice system to show how this kind of thing works in court so that the public can see that due diligence was followed and the jurors came to a realistic conclusion based on clear evidence that the officer was acting within their duties while performing murder.

The public must get the idea of fair trials in their heads for the next one (that won’t be televised). At least they’ll have an idea of what kind of information is presented (outside of what cell phone cameras can pick up, or what bodycam footage is allowed to be made public). If we’re shown that the process is being followed, it might save face and quell the desire to have people protest riot in the streets. Then the dominant race will be once again fueled by the idea that all of this is just exaggerated and the response will not fit the well thought out and deliberated decision of the jurors involved. This will be the news cycle until the next trial that wants to groom us for a “proper” response comes along. They need to show us that these people are not people, they’re criminals who have done bad things in their lives, they were not willing to own up to the responsibilities of the crimes that they perpetrated, once they were caught up and had to face the consequences of whatever fake money they tried to use, or previous marijuana conviction was on their record.

Please don’t let me forget to note that plenty of mass shootings happen in America, most of them are carried out by some entitled white male, who miraculously is successfully apprehended with no real danger caused to him, or given enough space to kill himself before he has to face the music and be held responsible for what he has done. Then we’re fed the idea by the media that this person was deeply troubled, they had mental issues, they were misguided and trying to do something they thought was noble. All those people get to either go home or be visited by their families after things settle down. Only the people of color end up being killed before any kind of trial, or really before any kind of reason can be used. This is then spun by the same media, to remind folks of any small or large indiscretion that they could have committed (and possibly moved on from). So that the feelings of white people can be properly influenced to believe that just another dangerous child was taken off the streets (those toy guns are so deadly and cannot be taken lightly). If given the proper context, we can be soothed into believing that people are just out there doing their job and the stress of that job commands respect over the justice they’re supposed to be upholding.

For the record, I feel the same sense of defeat that I felt the day that the Capitol was attacked. Initially, I was astonished by what I was watching on CNN, but that gave way to the idea that as long as white people feel a certain way, they can do anything in this country. As I watched these “patriots”, enraged by the idea that their country was slipping away from them, I got a pain in my stomach, knowing that as horrible as this was, if any people of color got caught PLANNING something of this magnitude, they’d be killed for treason, without having carried anything out. These people were perceived as being better than protestors because they weren’t holding U.S. cities hostage or anything. They were just expressing their anguish about where they thought the country was heading. I feel defeated because when I was a little kid, I thought that seeing Rodney King get beaten on camera was the beginning of a brand new sense of accountability. All these years later, I can watch an insurrection on television in America and know that all the strong words and finger-wagging is performative and once things cool down, anyone that was involved will either get out on bail or will have access to reputation saving lawyers that will talk down some judge from giving them what they deserve.

We should be ashamed of ourselves. We should be ashamed that we allow ourselves to be subjugated this way by institutions that were never intended for all people to make any headway. We should be ashamed that we allow ourselves to watch this happen with such frequency, but we do not stand up and make moves towards making any lasting type of change to the way that things operate. Don’t get it twisted, voices are shouting into the void, that this is wrong and that things have to change, but somehow, we vote in people who uphold and benefit from the blatantly terrible and murderous system that has given them the audacity to continue the work of their forefathers with no regards for anything other than how things make them feel. It’s a weird feeling to be living in the “greatest country on earth”, where we rank #1 mostly in hatred. To know that other countries look at us as clowns inspiration for how power and prosperity can work in our favor.

Yet, for reasons that people of color in this country know, white feelings are held in MUCH higher regard than our lives. You can’t be a person of color, or a woman (even of the caucasian persuasion) in a lot of cases, because autonomy and the ability to just exist seems to be such a threat to the well-established status quo of people. A lot of white people cannot wrap their heads around the truth of this statement, they don’t FEEL this is true. They don’t see how dangerous their feelings are for so many that call this deadly country home too. I’m purposely not including any words about how we can fix this or move forward, which will potentially turn you off if you made it this far. Quite simply put, we’ve pointed this out to people in various ways, which were all ignored, or brushed off. So I don’t feel a high calling to educate anyone. I do feel a high calling to continue to call ignorance, bigotry, and sexism out when I see it, but someone else is gonna have to do this work of education. I FEEL like it is now a responsibility for a lot of the white people in America to get started on rectifying their miseducation.

Dammit, I guess I did end up giving some words about how to fix things, despite my better intentions.

| A quick creative snippet… Because why not? |

The only sound you can hear in the living room is the click-clack of the keys as he stares into the screen of his laptop with his brow furrowed. There’s an idea in his head about how he wants to execute this website, but it’s not clear to him how he should translate what’s in his head to something that is visually represented in pixels. This is usually about the time where the doubts kick in. “I should’ve taken a design course. This would’ve been a smarter play. I could’ve gotten by with just the HTML and CSS that I knew”. “Have I spent this much money for no good reason? Just to find out that this is not something that I’m good at”? He just sighs and pounds the keys with all the determination that he wishes that he could pour into this layout. Thank goodness this is not a project with a real strict deadline.

It’s 2am and he’s laying in bed, wondering what more he can possibly give to make his situation better. During the day, he looks for jobs and is met with a litany of requirements for entry level jobs that might put an unease into the consciousness of senior level applicants. It is really this kind of thing that sends his mind racing. Would it be better to just stay on the course he was already on? The options for pay rate get lower, but maybe it’s worth not getting paid as much to be able to say that he’s employed. He wonders why he decided to finally try this whole developer thing. “Was it really worth spending so much money to be able to sit and wait for things to be able to apply to”? He thinks about this until sleep gives him the reprieve that he’s not allowed himself all day.

In his dreams that night, he’s visited by a myriad of friends from this life and some from so far back that they seem like a different life altogether. They’re asking all kinds of questions and the sheer volume washes over him like a tsunami wave. “What do you plan on doing with yourself”? “What’s the best thing you learned”? “What are the next steps”? “Remember when you used to talk about doing this”? “This is what you wanted to do right”?

He wakes up in a cold sweat. It has to be better than this? He thinks while giving a large exhale: “On the other side of things there’s gotta be fun and fulfillment with doing something that you enjoy no”? He has always had the problem of trying too hard and hitting a wall once it seems like there’s not much more that he can do. This is usually remedied by a day or two of some down time, before he’s able to attack with a renewed fervor. All he needs to do is start getting to sleep earlier and giving himself some leeway. The truth of the matter is that he’s just starting this out, so he doesn’t have the answers (SWAY!). It’s a full time job reminding himself that this is ok. While looking for things, he should just keep up the practice and make sure to make room for himself somewhere outside of his head.

Back to sleep. “You got this, you just need to be well rested for the continued battle ahead…”

|I’mma make it happen, I’mma make a way…|

Back in March (when I was days away from getting on a plane to start life on a new continent), my mom and sister were in town and they decided to drop some knowledge on me in their forms of: “we’re proud of you, we want you to be happy, we’ll see you in a little while” type goodbye messages. My mom in specific, mentioned to me that I have always been far too hard on myself. I’m so hard on myself, in fact, that it makes me expect a whole lot from other people and that leads to me being disappointed by people usually, because no one (even the author of this blog) lives up to what I want from them. This was a true read of how I am (of course, it’s my mom, who would know me better than her)?

I’m notoriously hard on myself and that’s just one of my “Justinisms”. Yesterday, the developer bootcamp that I started in April, was supposed to come to a close. The best thing that I could think of was that I would be able to have mornings without having to get up and try to solve algorithms (let’s be real, that’s going to continue, but because of self-imposed desire to get better at them). I considered that I had been working hard for the past 3.5 months and that I would be able to give myself a break of some sort. The very next thing that I thought about was how many shortcomings I had. I wasn’t the top performer of my class, I didn’t feel like I had all the concepts down and I immediately thought of ways (and things) that I should incorporate learning into my daily routine to get myself better for when it’s time to apply for jobs. I thought about the people in my cohort that I think are better than me, how they’d have great times trying to find work and jump into the world of coding. I think that normal people would’ve just been happy at the fact that there was an achievement reached and that would be that.

Let me be clear and honest about one thing. I had a few moments during the past 3.5 months where I thought that I was just not going to be cut out to try this programming thing out and I would have to simply call it, because I wouldn’t be able to push through the workload. I think I had a particularly hard time through the Java stack. Nothing was clicking, I felt like I wasn’t understanding the material, and I thought that I would have to end up repeating that track. Fortunately, the night before the big end of stack test, things all kinda came together and I was able to make sense of them enough to pass the test the next day. The other thing that I should be honest about, is the fact that I never actually considered that I would not finish this thing out, if I didn’t fail.

In my heart of hearts, I have this thing where I feel like I have to perform, because that’s what is expected of me. I gotta get to something, just because I made a big stink about it, or because I’ve talked about it for a long time, but never made any moves on it. When I moved to Oakland, that was something that I’d spoken about for 4 years, before it actually became something that literally did. This coding talk was stuff that I was saying back in my early college days. It was what I wanted to try to do, it only took me about 20 years to actually get to it. I never thought that I wouldn’t, I just knew that I would take my own sweet time to get to it, however, I’d have my chances here and there.

So, before Covid derailed me, a bootcamp was in the back of my head as a back-up option for me if I didn’t get to move. I was going to leave, but I was accepted to one bootcamp and eventually made it into another, which I ended up attending. Right from the beginning, my attitude was one of: “When I finish this thing, it’s gonna feel great”. Not finishing was never an option that I considered. I have taken out a 10k loan to do this, so it’s just what was going to happen. I didn’t waste all that money (that I now need to pay back) did I? That was all the motivation that I needed. I said that I was going to try something and of course, that was going to be achieved. Looking back at this, it made my mentality yesterday seem kinda normal. I shouldn’t be celebrating something that was expected of me. I kinda thought of it like someone being celebrated for paying their bills and not getting kicked out of their residence, or not having the lights turned off. People kinda generally work towards making them happen and it’s not something that folk might consider spectacular.

However, when the graduation zoom email invite came through, I was surprised to see the lack of names that were addressed in the email. When we started, I think I had about 26-30 people in the group, for that first two weeks. The email had a total of 9 people (including me), the whole ceremony was for about 15 people. The significance of this was lost on me until earlier today. Roughly about 50% of the class is going to have to repeat a stack or quit the program altogether. Once I thought about it that way, it didn’t matter that I was not the best person to come out of the group, just making it through was an accomplishment in itself. I was never really behind on anything and I only had one full breakdown (that lasted about 2 days). For some reason, talking through that with Laura made me really feel so good about myself for about two seconds, before I decided that I needed to immediately jump on free code camp to go through the details of Javascript and sign myself up for creating at least one or two projects of apps or app clones to keep things going. HAHA. I may or may not have a problem.

I’m hard on myself and that’s got good and bad qualities about it. I really need to take the time to give myself grace on actually accomplishing things. It’s a real hard lesson, but the reality is that I don’t have to do anything except work and pay taxes. Anything like setting goals and hitting them should not be looked at as a routine, insignificant thing. Especially, considering that it took me about 20 years to get to this point (did I mention that I now feel real old and very slow to accomplish things)? I gotta have grace, in the face of trying to do something new and maybe I should actually grant myself a real break of some sort, before I get back into the grind of learning and trying things. It might be fun or something like that.

| Ain’t sayin’ nothin’ new |

Friend: Oh hi, Justin!
Friend: How’s your week going/how are you doing with things this week?

Me: Oh, I’m just reeling from learning how to work with Python and Django, nothing special, glad to have a rest.

Friend: Oh yeah, you’re doing that bootcamp thing right? I wanted to check in with you about how you’re doing/feeling about the state of things in the world.


I feel like I am compelled to get thoughts down on paper at least once a year (I can only stand to write about this so often, even though new offenses and incidents happen SO OFTEN) in response to the latest trending hashtag, representing a fallen African-American person. Whatever new injustice has gotten white people’s chinos wrinkled this week. However these Karens and Tommys get agitated about the affairs of the world and start posting things on social media non-stop. This is not an enjoyable exercise for me, but of course, seeing as I’ve been hiding my head in the sand, trying to improve my situation by learning too many things at once, I guess I have built up a response/opinion about things that needs to be expressed. Even at the risk of uncovering the harsh and unattractive truth that I am a black man who has coherent and important thoughts (THE AUDACITY!). Well, grasp your pearls, readers. It’s about to get real.

It’s no big secret that police interactions with people of color are generally strained. I speak for myself when I say that I really hate police officers. I know they’re not all the same, they’re not all bad, blah blah. When you’re part of an institution that uses death and killing as a way of keeping the peace, you have to know that you instill fear in the hearts of those whom you are persecuting. PERIOD. This is not something that is up for debate, it doesn’t matter how afraid you are of us. The main problem is that we all have this breathing addiction and are trying to keep the streak going. Your kind, are protecting and serving by using excessive and targeted violence. Again, I know this is not ALL the cops, but in the same breath, I don’t care. Just like the bad ones don’t want to take the time to always properly assess the situation at hand before doling out their special fucked up justice, I will not hold space for the conversation about why there are good vs. bad cops. The good cops are not stopping the bad ones from doing this, they’re not supporting their removals from these forces, they’re not trying to get these peers of theirs convicted, so lack of action makes you complicit in their actions in my eyes. I hate interacting with them, I get scared in their presence. I have even gone so far as to work to get myself removed from jury duties where a case involves a police officer, because I am heavily biased against them. How am I supposed to believe that I can be protected by a group of people who are so afraid of my existence that I have to have special rules to follow in order to deal with them.

I heard a thing about a lady that decided to use the cops as a weapon against a dude that was just trying to have her adhere to the rules of the park that she was walking her dog in. It’s SO FRUSTRATING when you’re minding your own business, breaking rules that wont’ affect anyone and someone tries to stop you from doing things the way you want to. I wouldn’t have any idea what it feels like, but I imagine that for that white woman it was like a slap in the face. To imagine the boldness required to tell her to follow the rules that are plainly posted on a sign in front of her own ignoring face! This was apparently enough to rile her up into a state that required her using a threat of calling the cops to get someone to leave her alone. Not that the dude was actually doing anything aggressively. He wasn’t in her face threatening her, he wasn’t yelling, he wasn’t even really invading her space. She basically has tried (the new and appalling trend) of weaponizing the police force. All it takes is one well-dressed or well-spoken endorsement from a white person to create all the suspicion needed to bring the justice, guns-a-blazing. What a gross power to have. To be able to cry wolf and cause so much problems for another human being. It’s just deplorable. However, I always hear about barbecue becky, or that karen that just wants to have her side heard. They’re not bad people, they just want what they want and how they want it.

My new favorite annoyance is white people who are wanting to be allies, posting about how much black lives matter and how disgusting some of these actions are. Now, I know for a fact that many of these are good well-meaning people who really do not like what they’re seeing. I can agree with that, it’s demeaning and frustrating at the very least. However, I just can’t seem to stomach it right now. It has nothing to do with whether you’re a racist or not. I think that the bigger issue in my eyes is that people are saying things from a place of privilege that comes across to me as very trendy. Again, I apologize if you’re one of those people who are generally trying to express your disappointment at what’s happening, but seeing as you are benefitting/have benefitted directly or indirectly from the system that allows this kind of hatred and reckless disregard for lives, situations, and humanity to flourish, I don’t want to hear you talking about this. What I would love to hear is how you’re calling out your friends when they say something flippant and ignorant. I would love to hear about how you’re raising your kids to play with children of all colors. I would love to hear about how you’re voting against people in power who are pushing agendas that spread hate at all levels of government. Pass a few laws that increase the focus on the human condition, no matter what the background is.

The real upsetting thing is that whomever’s death happens to be the flavor of the week, it turns into just that. Just when the “decent” people have gotten used to the idea that these things happen, it’s back to normal for them. Even worse than that, it is probably just right in time for a new injustice to surface. I’m sure that there are many officers or leaders that are cursing the invention of mobile phone sized cameras. African-Americans used to have hope in the fact that there were easy ways to document the injustices that are forced upon us, but of course, many multiple videos of examples of this inhumane treatment have been met with a disgustingly ambivalent response. So you chanting from the tops of your friends pages that black lives matter is kind of like a slap across the face. ESPECIALLY if we happen to be one of the 2 or 3 tops black folk that you have in a friend circle and we have to read this business from you every-so-often. Nothing about these incidents are new, black people have been dying at the hands of white folk in this country since we couldn’t be controlled and domineered as your slaves or indentured servants. It’s kinda like crowd control though right? Don’t let those guys get ahead of themselves, they still remain the lowest of the low and need to be reminded of that when they can be.

People are upset about rioting and about looting/violence/etc. I don’t know what kind of response we’re allowed to have in the face of grave injustice that lets you know how little worth you have in society. We get in trouble for complying. When people kneel or protest, it’s annoying, it’s happening out of being too sensitive about things. this drives people to anger of course. Since we’re being shown no regard when we try to do things the right way, we lose the desire to play by the rules. There is deep hurt and anger that will be expressed however people feel like they can do that. It would be great if we had someplace to call, or some group that would help us to feel protected and would guarantee us some semblance of the feeling of security. Unfortunately for us, that’s not the case. I can’t pick up the phone and call any police officer for help, for fear that I might be the one that ends up paying the price somewhere down the line, for engaging with the enemy.

My long-winded response to the question of how I’m doing is that I’m broken. I’m broken inside, in my heart, because I can’t really handle what these repeated messages mean for me. I am expected to pay taxes and be a contributing member of a society that wants me mostly dead or in some kind of suffering, because I’m taking the space of someone who really deserves to be here. Obviously, that’s an exaggeration, but the feeling is the same. I have this restless worry about what will become of people who try to live good lives and want to just exist without problems. I feel numbed to the fact that a new name will be running across my varying number of screens. Feels like there will never be rest and ease from the pain of having to watch another video full of evidence of the hatred that boils towards me for no reason other than being alive. It is really deflating to try to do the things with the same freedom that my neighbors enjoy, that I cannot quite fully grasp or enjoy for myself. I hate that I get to live in a country that is like this and is flaring up in hatred over the last almost four years. I don’t want to talk about it with you. I don’t want to help you explore ways that you can help the cause. You should be able to see it for yourself. It’s all over the place and it’s upsetting to be asked about how it feels to be me. I used to appreciate the check-ins, but they’re slowly becoming just as annoying to me as the events that are causing them. It just serves to remind me that I am an outsider in some circles and in a lot of ways, the only connection that some people have to real life things and that’s enough to depress anyone.

| Workin’ Day and Night |

Here’s a live look at our protagonist, live from his apartment in Oakland, CA:

Captain’s Log… Day 2485202421 in lockdown…

I’m well into my 3rd week of the full-stack development bootcamp offered by Coding Dojo, here in Oakland. Here are some of my preliminary thoughts about things so far.

  • People are really interesting. Folk come from all walks of life.
  • You never know what you know, until you’re tested (wait, now school makes so much sense, dammit!)
  • you never know what you’re capable of until you do it
  • man, my fingertips are sore.
  • I need a new computer.

In all honesty, I would not say it’s back breaking, but it’s definitely not something that you should step into lightly. My general schedule is getting together with my cohort on zoom at 9am and then working on all kinds of assignments and making things until the wee hours of the evening a lot of times. I have rarely seen my bed before the hour of midnight since starting this thing. I mean, last week alone, I think I fully coded up at least 6 webpages alone. This does not include fun jquery things like this madness:


However, you might be asking yourself, Isn’t this something that you’ve wanted to do for a long time?! Are you not enjoying yourself?

To that, I’d reply, STOP JUDGING ME.


I mean, thanks for your concern friend. Yes, I have been wanting to jump into this for a long time. Yes a CRAZY word circumstance was all it took for me to go ahead and make the jump. I would say it’s a great time. I know that sounds kinda weird. I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve had great a many evenings, being stuck on some permutation of how to re-order pieces of data in an array. I’ve had many many choice words for Python, that have me feeling grateful that I’m living by myself (who wants to hear a stream-of-consciousness rant laden with curse words?). I have definitely had moments where I felt like I was never going to be cut out for another 12 weeks of this kind of madness. If i had to fail at one more algorithm challenge, i might just have to ask for a refund, because I’m not going to get very far this way.

The really funny thing is that I can’t actually imagine myself doing anything else right now. As frustrating as computers can be, I constantly wake up wanting to see what’s next. I am excited to figure out the problems for the day, or to see what kind of algorithmic alchemy I’m going to be asked to perform that day. Sometimes, the days go amazingly (today was a reasonably good day!), sometimes, they’re not exactly what I’ve imagined they would be, but it’s all just good experience. I really have to learn to be in a place where it’s ok to learn.

I’m going to have these same feelings when I get to starting a new job. I hate the feeling of not being in control/on top of something that I’m working on. It makes me feel so small or stupid when I am not able to quickly grasp things. However, I have a track record of being ridiculously hard on myself and thankfully, I have friends that are checkin’ up on your boy, to make sure that he’s not tearing his hair out. One of my favorite friends has reminded me that it’s just like being in college again. I have to be patient to learn the things I’m supposed to be learning. If I already knew these things, I wouldn’t have to be paying for the knowledge that I’m getting. Oh friends, such wisdom.

I find myself thinking about those days where I would sit with my wide open HTML book, back in the days ( I think I was about 13). I would stay up into the wee hours of the night, figuring out the tags and trying to get a page made. I’m still that silly lil nerdy boy, excited about creating things on the web, now it’s just a little bit more serious, but all the fun is still there (Even when making pages from 2013, like this one:


All in all, I’m having some ups and downs, but I’m learning a lot and this could be the beginning of some real interesting things. I guess we’ll see what happens.

| Déjà Vu |

A few months ago, everyone was into this whole decade challenge thing. As far as I could understand it, it would be as simple as posting a picture of yourself 10 years apart. It was supposed to be a silly/interesting look at how you’ve changed over the past 10 years and maybe give yourself (or others who might still think you’re just as cool as you were back then) some hope for the next 10 years. CAN WE SAY GLOW UP?! Yeah, that’s a thing and I know about it! (WHO’S TOO OLD TO BE COOL NOW?! HMM?!).

This being said. I had great joy yesterday, when I was able to have the same movers that I’d just seen 2 weeks before, to bring me my stuff from my soon-to-be-abandoned storage unit. They felt like familiar figures, passing me onto the next stage of my life journey, with dollies and a huge truck. I’d spent those previous two weeks with the bare minimum of things (seeing as I was supposed to have a totally empty apartment and be strolling along some random canal in Amsterdam by this point). Once all the boxes were moved, it was almost like Christmas morning, picking a box at a time and being surprised by what had been packed away instead of given away (you might find this strange, but c’mon! I’d been living for weeks without this stuff! I put it away literally and mentally).

The big thinking came when it was finally time to unpack and replace things where they were supposed to go. I realized that I was unpacking much of the same stuff that I had unpacked in the same apartment that I had been unpacking things into for the first time, a little over a year and a half ago. DOUBLE MOVE-IN DAY! Usually, people don’t pack up just to come back to the same place that they’d left. I had a similar feeling of things when it came time to change my mailing/residential address. For some reason, this was embarrassing to me. I found myself feeling like kind of a failure, because I had set myself to be a phantom roommate of my friend Laura and here, two weeks later, I was moving back into my previous physical address. Normal folk would understand the situation and tell me that it wasn’t really a big deal, but for some reason it stuck with me.

It wasn’t until I was explaining to friends how excited I was to be getting my things back (champagne always tastes better out of a proper flute, I know it sounds crazy, but I’m not here for your judgement guys), that I realized that my current situation was very reminiscent of my situation 4 years ago. Almost exactly this time of year back in 2016 I was dealing with a recently failed trip to Costa Rica, I was unemployed, and I was thinking about doing some classwork to up my technical skills. I’d previously stated that my initial 2 weeks of lockdown had thrown me back into the type of bachelorhood that I though I had left behind in college. Back to the days of minimal furniture, eating out of disposable (at least now compostable) cutlery and dishes. There were a few initial moments of fear and shame around this. I’d worked for 4 years just to come back to where I’d already been. How in the hell was I supposed to be finding myself, when I was just in a cycle of perceived failure?

The truth came really quickly. It was less than about 10 minutes for me. Thankfully, 4 years ago, I tried out going to therapy. That was significant in being able to jump into what I was thinking and explore why I felt the ways that I was feeling. I also gained the ability to appreciate what was happening, instead of just feeling like things were happening around me without my consent. There were certain things that I could control and then there were all the other things. So, my response was to think of the ways that I am different than I was those 4 years ago.

4 years agoPresent year Justin
– Felt alone and misunderstood.
– Had very little faith about what I could accomplish.
– Had no motivation or vision.
– I recognize that I have family and friends who are invested in me, whether things are good or bad looking.
– I have seen myself jump through many hoops and I believe in my ability to come out of the other side of problems victoriously.
– I have a goal in mind, that I will fight to make happen.

Instead of being led to some magical life-altering solution that will fix things for me, I recognize that I have the ability to shape my present, despite anything in my past, by how I react to things. Instead of being afraid for life and feeling overwhelmed by the idea of being laid off (like I was prone to 4 years ago), I knew before anything happened, that this was a possibility and I got a clear idea (with some courage, finally), a plan of attack, and peace from the thought that nothing is permanent. No thing that you go through is for nothing and opportunities are only wasted if you allow yourself to get stuck.

So. Four years later. The situation looks similar, the variables are all familiar (Look at me already talking like a developer!), but this time I walk into things a little wiser and a lot less stressed than I previously thought was possible. Apparently, I needed the last run at this, to show me some things and I’m ready to apply the lessons learned and make something great happen. Nothing will be easy about it, but it’ll be something that I’ll be proud of, because I did it and it didn’t just happen to me.

| He Won’t Go… |

Hi and welcome back to Future Watch, the show that goes deep, interviewing the silliest people on the web, for special insights into their lives and affairs. This week, we have our guest Justin! Justin is in the middle of a life-changing time in his life and after making a huge decision to relocate to a different country, is in a waiting pattern about what’s going to happen. Let’s jump right into this one, hope you enjoy!

FW: Hi Justin, thanks for taking the time to sit with us today. We’re excited to chat with you and hear about your journey so far. How are you doing?

JS: Hi guys, thanks for taking interest. I am not sure how you figured out who I am, or what I was doing, but in the middle of a shelter-in-place, I’m willing to talk to anyone (even if I have to make it all up).

FW: How modest of you! Of course we’re a real show and we have nothing but the best intentions of hard hitting questions to get people into your head and give them a good picture of your situation. Let’s start shall we?

FW: Last time that we were able to catch up with you, you’d been sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic. You were supposed to be headed out to Amsterdam, what’s the status there? Do you have an updated time of travel?

JS: Ah yes. I was sidelined here. The latest update is that the big move has been cancelled. Or, maybe I should say that it has been postponed indefinitely.

FW: Oh no! What do you mean? You were so close? What happened?

JS: Well, the short version is that I was laid off by the company that I was supposed to be moving and working with. Our main customers were hotels and of course, this pandemic has hit he hospitality industry HARD. Hotels not being open, meant that the company wasn’t getting paid, not getting paid was problematic for the bottom line. They had to make the hard decision to let people go, to give the business a chance to survive with less incoming revenue.

FW: WOW! We did not see that coming as an answer. So are you going to be able to rejoin this company at a later date, or are you permanently done?

JS: I would never say never, but yeah, it’s not a furlough or anything like that. I will be fully unemployed.

FW: Are you doing ok?

JS: I’m doing great! Really, I just see this whole situation as an opportunity. Nothing happens for no reason, so it just tells me that this was not the time for a move. Kinda weird that it was because of such a bunch of crazy circumstances, but it is what it is.

FW: You’re just kidding right? You have had a crazy month and a half trying to prepare for this. What are you going to do? How are you going to make it?!

JS: Good question. I am doing well. There are many worse things out there happening. For goodness sakes, brunch across the country is on hold. WHAT’S A MAN TO DO?!

JS: Honestly, I have already secured my apartment, so it’s back to life as normal with the lease. I have applied and been accepted to a Developer Bootcamp, so I’m going to attend that starting in April and try to give myself over to a dream that’s been FAR TOO LONG deferred. I’m gonna get my stuff out of storage and restart my life in the Bay Area.

FW: Anustart?

JS: I see that someone is an Arrested Development fan… Yes, I’m going to finally try to make a living doing what I am truly interested in. This bootcamp will hopefully open doors to me that I’ve only been talking about for years. Hopefully, I didn’t wait too long. It seemed like the best backup plan, that I have always been afraid to try.

FW: Wow, what a crazy story! Seems like one journey is ending and another is starting. Well, we can only wish you the best of luck in your adventures!

JS: Thanks, I’m going to need some good luck for the next 4 months!

That’s our interview! What a shocker! We certainly appreciate Justin for taking the time to sit with us. Boy, sounds like he’s in for a challenge in the coming months. Join us next time, when we sit with Craig, who just got fired on his day off. We’ll find out what he plans to do to appease his father and impress his secret crush, without a job!

| I. Must. Go on standing… |

It has been pretty entertaining to recently catch up with friends over text or over phone calls. Usually, they’re quite surprised that I am still in the U.S. I was not able to break the borders before they all were getting shut down and barricaded, to keep from spreading a crazy flu variant that I will not name, just for the sake of anyone who is reading this silly blog and might have name fatigue.

So, in the sake of being ridiculously tired and having no better ideas for something to write (not to mention, trying to be regularly updating this business for funsies), I’ll try to give a brief update of how things are going for your ever-adventuring (in his mind, at least), boy Justin.

Yes friends, I am still here. No, the plans to move to Europe have not changed yet. As far as I know, I’ll still have the chance to hit up Amsterdam with my company. Unless we fall to the operating costs of being up and running during this lockdown and the hospitality industry fails to pick itself back up. In the fanciful case that it doesn’t, I could well be out of a job and just searching for things to do here in the good ol’ states!

As I previously mentioned, I was able to stay in my apartment for at least another month or so, I assume that this won’t be too much of a problem for extended stays. We shall see how that situation plays itself out. For the time being, I am quarantined in my (mostly) empty apartment and surviving (YASSS KING)!

I’ve set up camp in my living room, primarily. I have a nice air mattress (that was better than I was expecting, quite honestly…), I have a semi-reclining chair that I purchased many years ago from Ikea and I have my bedroom television, my sonos soundbar/speakers, and my lamps! I still need to barely hit any light switches, as my google home can still automate my major lighting. I do most of my work in the chair, and can free roam around the perimeter of my place. It’s kinda like I’m squatting, although I’m paying rent still. What a weird thought.

I have not ventured forth to take anything out of the storage unit that I am renting. Why you might ask? Well, I don’t know that I feel like digging through a 10 x10 room of boxes that hold everything that I once knew as the main elements of my life. Also, It’d suck for all this to blow over and have to spend another $400 to get that stuff back into the storage unit. For the time being, I have purchased some new/temporary things:

  1. A new chef’s knife
  2. A saucepan, a sautee pan, and a frying pan
  3. A cutting board
  4. A cookie sheet
  5. Minimal spices.

Thankfully, for most of this year, I was really into meal prep, so that just continues easily through this solitary confinement mode. Lunches are easy and dinners are made for the week in one fell swoop! Although, I don’t have to be the most efficient (let’s be real, where am I actually going?), It’s kinda comforting to know that I don’t have to be scrambling for what i’m going to eat all the time.

I’m in full minimalist mode and at least for the last 10 days, it’s been reasonably cool. I mean, I do feel like I’ve gone back to the peak of my college-aged bachelorhood, replete with plastic bowls and compostable cutlery, but things could be much worse. Meanwhile, life is in a holding pattern, while we try to keep our distance from other people and hope that things really settle down.

The worst thing, I would say, is that even though I am an introvert, I haven’t had human contact/real life interaction in almost 2 weeks and I am going kinda stir craaaaaaazy! A good hug would do wonders for me! Other than that, life continues and I’m still hopeful that I’ll be able to start things anew in a new place. Just think of all the fancy blog updates I’ll be able to do once THAT happens!
